Call Number (LC) Title Results
E183.8.M6 M47 The treatment of United States-Mexican relations in secondary United States history textbooks published since 1956 1
E183.8.M6 M47 1982eb México-Estados Unidos, 1982 / 1
E183.8.M6 M47 1985eb México-Estados Unidos, 1984 / 1
E183.8.M6 M472 1990eb México-Estados Unidos, 1988-1989 / 1
E183.8.M6 M473 1989 México-Estados Unidos, 1987
Mexico-Estados Unidos 1987 /
E183.8.M6 M475 1984eb México-Estados Unidos, 1983 / 2
E183.8.M6 M4755 1987 México-Estados Unidos, 1986 2
E183.8.M6 M476 1988 Mexico in transition : implications for U.S. policy : essays from both sides of the border / 2
E183.8.M6 M477 2009 Mexico reading the United States / 1
E183.8.M6 .M495 1985 Mexico-Estados Unidos 1985 /
Mexico-Estados Unidos 1984 /
E183.8.M6 .M495 1990 México-Estados Unidos 1988-1989 / 1
E183.8.M6 .M495 1997 México-Estados Unidos-Canadá 1995-1996 / 1
E183.8.M6 .M495 2003 México-Estados Unidos-Canadá 1999-2000 / 1
E183.8.M6 M67 Mexico-United States relations / 1
E183.8.M6 M68 1985 The Mexican revolution and the Anglo-American powers : the end of confrontation and the beginning of negotiation / 1
E183.8.M6 M8 1994 Mitos en las relaciones México-Estados Unidos / 1
E183.8.M6 M827 2008 The borders within : encounters between Mexico and the U.S. / 2
E183.8.M6 M84 2005 Gringolandia : Mexican identity and perceptions of the United States / 2
E183.8.M6 N53 1995 War, diplomacy, and development : the United States and Mexico, 1938-1954 / 1
E183.8.M6 N53 1995eb War, diplomacy, and development : the United States and Mexico, 1938-1954 / 1