Call Number (LC) Title Results
E184.M5 D69 2014 Mexican Americans and the question of race / 1
E184.M5 D69 2014eb Mexican Americans and the question of race / 2
E184.M5 D83 Chicanos : a study guide and sourcebook / 2
E184.M5 D85 Introduction to Chicano studies : a reader / 1
E184.M5 D85 1982 Introduction to Chicano studies / 1
E184.M5 D8585 2017eb Historia mínima de la migración México-Estados Unidos / 1
E184.M5 E38 1979 The golden door : international migration, Mexico, and the United States / 1
E184.M5 E49 1998 Culture y cultura : consequences of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848 / 1
E184.M5 E87 Essays on la mujer / 1
E184.M5 E88 1989 Estudios Chicanos and the politics of community : selected proceedings / 1
E184.M5 E9 Ethnic affairs. 1
E184.M5 ebook Chican@s : our background and our pride /
Eyewitness : a filmmaker's memoir of the Chicano Movement /
A life crossing borders : memoir of a Mexican-American Confederate /
El México de afuera : historia del pueblo chicano /
La rebelde /
América ocupada : los chicanos y su lucha de liberación /
Conyugalidad a distancia : resignificaciones en la intimidad y organización de familias transnacionales /
E184.M5 F33 1996 Understanding older Chicanas / 1
E184.M5 F33 1996eb Understanding older Chicanas / 2
E184.M5 F45 2019 Specters of belonging : the political life cycle of Mexican migrants / 1
E184.M5 F48 North from Mexico the Spanish-speaking people of the United States. 1
E184.M5 F58 2003 The evolution of the liberal democratic state with a case study of latinos in San Antonio, Texas / 1
E184.M5 F6 2003 Foreigners in their native land : historical roots of the Mexican Americans / 1
E184.M5 F65 2014 Mexicans in the making of America / 1
E184.M5 F65 2014eb Mexicans in the making of America / 2