Call Number (LC) Title Results
E185.625 .H37 2020 Black suffering : silent pain, hidden hope / 1
E185.625 .H38 1999 Manichean psychology : racism and the minds of people of African descent / 2
E185.625 .H386 2013 The Haverford discussions : a black integrationist manifesto for racial justice / 2
E185.625 .H39 1993 African American communication : ethnic identity and cultural interpretation / 1
E185.625 .H39 2003 African American communication : exploring identity and culture / 1
E185.625 .H4 Black suicide / 1
E185.625 .H44 1989 Black male entrepreneurs and adult development / 1
E185.625 .H5 1992 Coming of age : African American male rites-of passage / 1
E185.625 .H55 2006 From Black power to hip hop : racism, nationalism, and feminism / 1
E185.625 .H55 2006eb From Black power to hip hop : racism, nationalism, and feminism / 1
E185.625 .H63 2014 A chosen exile : a history of racial passing in American life / 1
E185.625 .H63 2014eb A chosen exile : a history of racial passing in American life / 2
E185.625 .H64 2013 Jim Crow Wisdom : Memory and Identity in Black America since 1940 / 1
E185.625 .H64 2013eb Jim Crow wisdom : memory and identity in Black America since 1940 / 1
E185.625 .H64 2013i Jim Crow wisdom memory and identity in Black America since 1940 / 1
E185.625 .H65 1995 Codes of conduct : race, ethics, and the color of our character / 2
E185.625 .H66 2003 Rock my soul : Black people and self-esteem / 1
E185.625 .H68 1990 Psychological principles and the Black experience / 2
E185.625 .H86 1998eb Human behavior in the social environment from an African American perspective 1