Call Number (LC) Title Results
E185.86 .W896 1930i The rural Negro 1
E185.86 .W927 1995 Words of fire : an anthology of African-American feminist thought / 1
E185.86 .W952 2015 The Ashgate research companion to Black sociology / 1
E185.86 .W952 2015eb The Ashgate research companion to Black sociology 1
E185.86 .W96 1997 Black intellectuals, Black cognition, and a Black aesthetic / 1
E185.86 -- W96 1997eb Black Intellectuals, Black Cognition & a Black Aesthetic. 1
E185.86 .W963 2007 Crisis of the Black intellectual / 1
E185.86 .Y665 2018 Let it bang : a young black man's reluctant odyssey into guns / 1
E185.86 .Y67 2007 Your average nigga : performing race, literacy, and masculinity / 1
E185.86 .Y67 2007eb Your average nigga : performing race, literacy, and masculinity / 1
E185.86 .Y68 1988 Young, black, and male in America : an endangered species / 1
E185.86 .Z35 1990 The economic status of black women : an exploratory investigation. 1
E185.86 .Z65 1985 A member of the family : strategies for Black family continuity / 2
E185.86 .Z66 2006 Black women's lives : stories of power and pain / 2
E185.88 .C458 Centennial conference on the health status of the Negro today and in the future / 1
E185.88 .F3 Growth of the Black population : a study of demographic trends.
Growth of the Black population; a study of demographic trends.
E185.88 .N3 National Negro health news. 1
E185.89.A5 H5 1964 The American Negro : a study in racial crossing / 1
E185.89.A5 H53 1970 The anthropometry of the American Negro. 1