Call Number (LC) Title Results
E185.96 .B5645 2004 Children of the movement : the sons and daughters of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, George Wallace, Andrew Young, Julian Bond, Stokely Carmichael, Bob Moses, James Chaney, Elaine Brown, and others reveal how the civil rights movement tested and transformed their families / 3
E185.96 .B57 Profiles of Black Americans: Manual / 1
E185.96 .B576 1969 Black unknowns : biographies of thought builders for today's black leaders. 1
E185.96 .B58 2003 Portraits of African-American heroes / 2
E185.96 .B6 1945 We have tomorrow / 1
E185.96 .B66 The oratory of Negro leaders, 1900-1968
The oratory of Negro leaders, 1900-1968 /
E185.96 .B75 2017 Twelve days in May : Freedom Ride 1961 / 1
E185.96 .B76 1863i The black man his antecedents, his genius, and his achievements / 1
E185.96 B797 1965 Negro builders and heroes. 1
E185.96 .B829 2018 For colored girls who have considered politics / 1
E185.96 .B834 2019 Black Indian : a memoir / 1
E185.96 .B835 1993 Created equal : the lives and ideas of Black American innovators / 1
E185.96 .B93 1968 In spite of handicaps : brief biographical sketches with discussion outlines of outstanding Negroes now living who are achieving distinction in various lines of endeavor / 1
E185.96 .B96 Negroes in the early West,
Negroes in the early West /
E185.96 .B98 1995 All God's children : the Bosket family and the American tradition of violence / 2
E185.96 .C12 1994 Our common ground / 2
E185.96 .C18 2004 African-American political leaders / 1
E185.96 .C35 2012eb History of the American Negro / 1
E185.96 .C5 1971 America's Black congressmen. 2
E185.96 .C5 1976 Black Americans in Congress / 2