Call Number (LC) Title Results
E187.C75 2003eb A Companion to Colonial America. 1
E187 .C75 2006eb A companion to colonial America 1
E187 .C78 2000 Debating the issues in colonial newspapers : primary documents on events of the period / 1
E187 .C78 2000eb Debating the issues in colonial newspapers : primary documents on events of the period / 1
E187 .E54 1997eb  
E187 .E78 Essays in colonial history presented to Charles McLean Andrews by his students. 1
E187 .F35 1969 Essays in American history. 1
E187 .F69 Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in North America : from the discovery of the country to the year 1776 /
Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in North America from the discovery of the country to the year 1776 /
E187 .G14 The correspondence of General Thomas Gage ... / 1
E187 .G79 Proceedings and debates of the British parliaments respecting North America / 1
E187 .G79 1924i Proceedings and debates of the British parliaments respecting North America 1
E187 .G79 1982 Proceedings and debates of the British Parliaments respecting North America, 1754-1783 / 1
E187 .G8115 Great Britain and the American colonies, 1606-1763 / 1
E187 .H384 2013 Historic Events of Colonial Days. 1
E187 .H4 U.S. colonial history : readings and documents. 1
E187 .H423 Historical collections : consisting of State papers, and other authentic documents, intended as materials for an history of the United States of America. 1
E187 .H57 1792i Historical collections consisting of state papers, and other authentic documents : intended as materials for an history of the United States of America / 1
E187 .I58 2009eb  
E187 .K56 2002eb Colonies and revolution / 1
E187 .L53 1898i Liberty Bell leaflets translations and reprints from original historical documents / 1