Call Number (LC) Title Results
E191 .H29 Edward Randolph and the American Colonies, 1676-1703. 1
E191 (INTERNET) The mapp and description of Nevv-England together with a discourse of plantation, and collonies: also, a relation of the nature of the climate, and how it agrees with our owne country England. How neere it lyes to New-found-land, Virginia, Noua Francia, Canada, and other parts of the West-Indies. Written by Sr. William Alexander, Knight. 1
E191 .L68 1972 The glorious Revolution in America / 1
E191 .L68 2011 The Glorious Revolution in America. 1
E191.M67 M36 2019 The trials of Thomas Morton : an Anglican lawyer, his Puritan foes, and the battle for a New England / 1
E191.M67 M36 2019eb  
E191.M67 S54 1983 Lewis Morris, Anglo-American statesman, ca. 1613-1691 / 1
E191 .O83 1957 The American colonies in the seventeenth century. 1
E191 .O84i The American colonies in the seventeenth century 1
E191 .P64 1970 Founding the American colonies, 1583-1660 / 1
E191 .R43 2005 New world, known world : shaping knowledge in early Anglo-American writing / 1
E191 .R43 2005eb New world, known world : shaping knowledge in early Anglo-American writing / 1
E191 .S67 English America and the Restoration monarchy of Charles II : transatlantic politics, commerce, and kinship / 1
E191 .W4 The first Americans, 1607-1690 / 1
E191 .W47 1929i The first Americans, 1607-1690 1
E193.8.F73 Z34 2002 Then came disaster : France and the United States, 1918-1940 / 1
E194.Y66 C53 2004 Mapping Yorùbá networks : power and agency in the making of transnational communities / 1
E195 Colonial America and the Earl of Halifax, 1748-1761 /
Contested Commonwealths : Essays in American History.
Jefferson's America, 1760-1815.
E195 .A55 Anglo-American political relations, 1675-1775,
Anglo-American political relations, 1675-1775 /
E195 .A56 1991 American Society, 1776-1815 / 1