Call Number (LC) Title Results
E269.N3 ǂb N36 2006eb The Forgotten Fifth : African Americans in the Age of Revolution / 1
E269.N3 ǂb N36 2006eb The Forgotten Fifth : African Americans in the Age of Revolution / 1
E269.N3 B84 Black patriots of the American Revolution, 1775-1783. 1
E269.N3 C68 2012 Enjoy the same liberty : Black Americans and the revolutionary era / 1
E269.N3 C69 1999 Come all you brave soldiers : Blacks in the Revolutionary War /
Come all you brave soldiers : blacks in the Revolutionary War /
E269.N3 E35 2009 Death or liberty : African Americans and revolutionary America / 2
E269.N3 E35 2009eb Death or liberty : African Americans and revolutionary America / 1
E269.N3 F74 1991 Water from the rock : Black resistance in a revolutionary age / 1
E269.N3 G24 The loyalty and devotion of colored Americans in the revolution and war of 1812. 1
E269.N3 G24 1861 The loyalty and devotion of colored Americans in the revolution and war of 1812. 1
E269.N3 G37 1861i The loyalty and devotion of colored Americans in the Revolution and War of 1812 1
E269.N3 G55 2012 Black patriots and loyalists : fighting for emancipation in the war for independence / 1
E269.N3 K36 1989 The Black presence in the era of the American Revolution / 3
E269.N3 K36 1989eb The Black presence in the era of the American Revolution 1
E269.N3 K57 2003 "Strong and brave fellows" : New Hampshire's black soldiers and sailors of the American Revolution, 1775-1784 / 1
E269.N3 N36 2006 The forgotten fifth : African Americans in the age of revolution / 1
E269.N3 N36 2006eb The forgotten fifth : African Americans in the age of revolution / 1
E269.N3 N37 The Black presence in the era of the American Revolution, 1770-1800 / 1
E269.N3 N4 1968 The colored patriots of the American Revolution. 1
E269.N3 N45 1855i The colored patriots of the American Revolution with sketches of several distinguished colored persons : to which is added a brief survey of the condition and prospects of colored Americans / 1