Call Number (LC) Title Results
E435 .B53 1856i Black Republican imposture exposed! fraud upon the people : Fremont and his speculations : how he employed public money to buy a large estate : how he employed public money to buy breeding cattle to stock it with : how he stood for some years as a defaulter for the same upon the books of the government : how he sold the government its own beef cattle to pay the balance due to itself. 1
E435 .B83 1856i Buchanan's political record let the South beware! 1
E435 .B84 1856i Buffalo daily republic extra Republican nominations. 1
E435 .B87 Buchanan's political record let the South beware! 1
E435 .C37 1856i The union of the states 1
E435 .C53 1856i Speech of C.M. Clay before the Young Men's Republican Central Union of New York / 1
E435 .C6 1856 Speech of C.M. Clay before the Young Men's Republican Central Union of New York in the Tabernacle, October 24th, 1856 1
E435 .D46 1856 Address of the Democratic State Central Committee to the people of Pennsylvania 1
E435 .D46 1856i Address of the Democratic State Central Committee to the people of Pennsylvania 1
E435 .F33 1856a Facts for the people, no. 2 : the Fillmore deception exposed : Fillmore and pro-slavery. 1
E435 .F33 1856i Facts for the American people, no. 2 the Fillmore deception exposed : Fillmore and pro-slavery. 1
E435 .F73 1856i The issue, and its consequences an address / 1
E435 .F74 1856i The "Sons of Liberty," in 1776 and in 1856 1
E435 .F75 1856i Fremont's romanism established acknowledged by Archbishop Hughes. 1
E435 .G78 The great fraud upon the public credulity in the organization of the Republican party upon the ruins of the "Whig party," an address to the old-line Whigs of the Union. 1
E435 .H86 1856i The Democratic demonstration at Poughkeepsie speech of Hon. R.M.T. Hunter, of Virginia. 1
E435 .I53 1856i Fremont-- his supporters and their record the opinions of our great statesmen upon the Missouri restriction / 1
E435 .I54 1856i Infidelity and abolitionism an open letter to the friends of religion, morality, and the American union. 1
E435 .I8 1856i Is Millard Fillmore an abolitionist 1
E435 .J28 1856i James Buchanan his doctrines and policy as exhibited by himself and friends. 1