Call Number (LC) Title Results
E457.2 .B83 2010eb Reading with Lincoln / 1
E457.2 .B835 2005 Lincoln's speeches reconsidered /
Lincoln's Speeches Reconsidered
E457.2 .B97 1994 The inner world of Abraham Lincoln / 2
E457.2 .C245 2012 The Cambridge companion to Abraham Lincoln / 1
E457.2 .C295 2010 Lincoln on trial : southern civilians and the law of war / 1
E457.2 .C34 2015 Lincoln's ethics : a philosophical approach / 1
E457.2 .C355 2017 Lincoln's sense of humor / 1
E457.2 .C355 2017eb Lincoln's sense of humor / 1
E457.2 .C463 2015eb Abe Lincoln's secret war against the North / 1
E457.2 .C76 2008 Rebel giants : the revolutionary lives of Abraham Lincoln & Charles Darwin / 1
E457.2 .C84 Lincoln and Black freedom : a study in presidential leadership / 2
E457.2 .C935 2016 Lincoln and the politics of slavery : the other Thirteenth Amendment and the struggle to save the union / 1
E457.2 .C935 2016eb Lincoln and the politics of slavery : the other Thirteenth Amendment and the struggle to save the union / 1
E457.2 .C935 2016i Lincoln and the politics of slavery the other Thirteenth Amendment and the struggle to save the union / 1
E457.2 .C945 2004 Why Lincoln matters : today more than ever / 1
E457.2 .C953 1993eb What is an American? : Abraham Lincoln and "multiculturalism" / 2
E457.2 .D28 The image of Lincoln in the South. 2
E457.2 .D33 1999 Lincoln's men : how President Lincoln became father to an army and a nation / 1
E457.2 .D45 2006 Lincoln unmasked : what you're not supposed to know about dishonest Abe / 1
E457.2 .D55 2006