Call Number (LC) Title Results
E458 .R64 2013eb Lincoln and reconstruction /
Lincoln and reconstruction
E458 .R66 1964 Slavery and the breakdown of the American consensus / 1
E458 .S38 1864i Fü̈r die Freiheit aller! für die Einheit des Vaterlandes! / 1
E458 .S42 The lost principle; or, The sectional equilibrium: how it was created, how destroyed, how it may be restored, 1
E458 .S64 The borderland in the Civil War / 1
E458 .S65 Speeches and letters of Gerrit Smith ... on the rebellion .. 1
E458 .S79 The church and the rebellion : a consideration of the rebellion against the government of the United States; and the agency of the church, north and south, in relation thereto / 1
E458 .S8 The causes of the Civil War.
The causes of the Civil War
E458 .S8 1965 The causes of the Civil War. / 1
E458 .S8 1974 The causes of the Civil War / 1
E458.S825 The Imperiled Union : Essays on the Background of the Civil War. 1
E458 .S825 1981 The imperiled union : essays on the background of the Civil War / 1
E458 .S84 The economics of secession and coercion, 1861. 1
E458 .S86 1861i The rebellion its origin and main-spring / 1
E458 .S95 1864i The war for the Union the first, second, third and fourth years of the war / 1
E458 .T39 2018 "The most complete political machine ever known" : the North's Union Leagues in the American Civil War / 1
E458 .T45 Speeches in the second and third sessions of the Thirty-seventh Congress, and the vacation. 1
E458 .T734 Indices of public opinion, 1860-1870 1
E458 .T77 Train's Union speeches. "Second series." 1
E458 .V19 The record of Hon. C. L. Vallandigham on abolition, the union, and the civil war. 1