Call Number (LC) Title Results
E487 .F87 1999 Voices in the storm : Confederate rhetoric, 1861-1865 / 1
E487.F87 1999eb Voices in the Storm : Confederate Rhetoric, 1861-1865. 2
E487 .G26 1997 The Confederate War / 1
E487 .G27 2003eb Blood & irony : Southern white women's narratives of the Civil War, 1861-1937 / 1
E487 .G27 2004 Blood & irony : Southern white women's narratives of the Civil War, 1861-1937 / 1
E487 .G66 Reminiscences of the Civil War / 1
E487 .G76 1988 The Granite farm letters : the Civil War correspondence of Edgeworth & Sallie Bird / 1
E487 .G78 1995 The hard hand of war : Union military policy toward Southern civilians, 1861-1865 / 1
E487 .G84 1999 Guerrillas, Unionists, and violence on the Confederate home front / 2
E487 .H28 Flight into oblivion / 1
E487 .H31 Recollections grave and gay / 1
E487.H312 2011 Refugitta of Richmond : the Wartime Recollections, Grave and Gay, of Constance Cary Harrison. 1
E487 .H34 1998 Confederate tide rising : Robert E. Lee and the making of Southern strategy, 1861-1862 / 2
E487 -- H34 1998eb Confederate Tide Rising : Robert E. Lee and the Making of Southern Strategy, 1861-1862. 1
E487 .H36 The Confederate reader. 1
E487 .H36 1976 The Confederate reader / 1
E487 .H47 1939 Statesmen of the lost cause : Jefferson Davis and his cabinet / by Burton J. Hendrick. 1
E487 .H544 1943 The story of the Confederacy / 1
E487 .H58 2017 The Confederate homefront : a history in documents / 1
E487.H74 1 Brokenburn : the Journal of Kate Stone, 1861-1868. 1