Call Number (LC) Title Results
E59.P87 G8 The pre-Columbian mind : a study into the aberrant nature of sexual drives, drugs affecting behaviour and the attitude towards life and death, with a survey of psychotherapy in pre-Columbian America.
The pre-Columbian mind: a study into the aberrant nature of sexual drives, drugs affecting behaviour and the attitude towards life and death, with a survey of psychotherapy in pre-Columbian America.
E59.P87 M33 1997 Color and cognition in Mesoamerica : constructing categories as vantages / 1
E59.P89 M37 1990 Deconstructing America : representations of the other / 1
E59.P89 M63 1996 O brave new people : the European invention of the American Indian / 1
E59.P89 .S48 2010 Europe's Indians : producing racial difference, 1500-1900 /
Europe's Indians producing racial difference, 1500-1900 /
E59.P89 T74 1989 Native Americans : five centuries of changing images / 2
E59.P92 S63 1995 Social welfare with indigenous peoples / 1
E59.P92 S63 1995eb Social welfare with indigenous peoples 1
E59.P92S63 1995eb E59.P92S63 1995 Social Welfare with Indigenous Peoples. 1
E59.R38 Enduring motives : the archaeology of tradition and religion in Native America / 1
E59.R38 B8 American hero-myths. : A study in the native religions of the western continent / 1
E59.R38 B83 The myths of the new world: a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America 1
E59.R38 B84 The myths of the New world a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. 1
E59.R38 B85 1969 The myths of the new world; a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. --
The myths of the new world : a treatise on the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America.
E59.R38 C37 1993 Native American religions : an introduction / 2
E59.R38 C84 The Cult of the feline : a conference in pre-Columbian iconography, October 31st and November 1st, 1970 / 1
E59 R38 D4 God is red. 1
E59.R38 D42 Death and the afterlife in pre-Columbian America : a conference at Dumbarton Oaks, October 27th, 1973 / 1
E59.R38 D45 1973 God is red / 1
E59.R38 D45 2003 God is red : a native view of religion / 1