Call Number (LC) Title Results
E601 .G8 War letters, 1862-1865, of John Chipman Gray ... and John Codman Ropes ... with portraits. 1
E601 .G84 2013 The diary of a Civil War Marine, Private Josiah Gregg / 1
E601 .G972 Diary. 1
E601 .H345 1970 Haskell of Gettysburg : his life and Civil War papers / 1
E601 .H69 Camp, court and siege : a narrative of personal adventure and observation during two wars: 1861-1865; 1870-1871 / 2
E601 .H69 1877i Camp, court and siege a narrative of personal adventure and observation during two wars, 1861-1865, 1870-1871 / 1
E601 .H73 Touched with fire : Civil War letters and diary of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1861-1864 / 1
E601 .H73 1947 Touched with fire; Civil War letters and diary of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., 1861-1864. 1
E601 .H79 1982 My dear parents : the Civil War seen by an English Union soldier / 2
E601 .H82 The color-guard being a corporal's notes of military service in the Nineteenth army corps / 1
E601.H83 A4 Soldier in the West : the Civil War letters of Alfred Lacey Hough / 1
E601 .I54 2019 In their letters, in their words : Illinois Civil War soldiers write home / 1
E601 .I55 The unknown friends a Civil War romance; letters of my father and my mother / 1
E601 .K47 Camp-fire and cotton-field: southern adventure in time of war. : Life with the Union armies, and residence on a Louisiana plantation / 1
E601 .K555 2004 Diary of a Christian soldier : Rufus Kinsley and the Civil War / 1
E601 .K57 1983 A German in the Yankee fatherland : the Civil War letters of Henry A. Kircher / 1
E601 .K74 Camp-fire and cotton-field southern adventure in time of war. Life with the Union armies, and residence on a Louisiana plantation /
Camp-fire and cotton-field Southern adventure in time of war. Life with the Union armies, and residence on a Louisiana plantation./
Camp-fire and cotton-field: southern adventure in time of war. : Life with the Union armies, and residence on a Louisiana plantation /
E601 .K74 1969 Camp-fire and cotton-field : Southern adventure in time of war, life with the Union armies and residence on a Louisiana plantation. 1
E601 .K8 Wspomnienia z pobytu w Ameryce Gen. Włodzimierza Krzyżanowskiego podczas wojny, 1861-1864. 1
E601 .L44 1991 Wartime Washington : the Civil War letters of Elizabeth Blair Lee / 1