Call Number (LC) Title Results
E664.B87 H6 The peerless leader, William Jennings Bryan / 1
E664.B87 K37 1998 U.S. imperialism in Latin America : Bryan's challenges and contributions, 1900-1920 / 1
E664.B87 K39 2006 A godly hero : the life of William Jennings Bryan / 1
E664.B87 L39 2007 William Jennings Bryan : an uncertain trumpet / 1
E664.B87 L4 Defender of the faith: William Jennings Bryan : the last decade, 1915-1925 /
Defender of the faith : William Jennings Bryan : the last decade, 1915-1925 /
E664.B87 L8 Bryan, the Great Commoner / 1
E664.B87 M76 The great fight for free silver : an interesting history of the first great struggle in which the fearless and brilliant leader of the people championed the cause of humanity in the memorable campaign of 1896... / 1
E664.B87 M8 Life and patriotic services of Hon. William J. Bryan : the fearless and brilliant leader of the people and candidate for president of the United States. A sketch from the beginning of his career to the high position he holds in the affection of his countrymen--an affection won by his devotion and loyalty to the welfare of the toiling masses of America / 1
E664.B87 N5 William Jennings Bryan : a concise but complete story of his life and services / 1
E664.B87 S67 1991 William Jennings Bryan : orator of small-town America / 1
E664.B87 W5 Bryan / 1
E664.B87 W6 William Jennings Bryan and the campaign of 1896. 1
E664.B87 W7 William Jennings Bryan; a study in political vindication,
William Jennings Bryan : a study in political vindication /
E664.B87 W75 The commoner: William Jennings Bryan.
The commoner William Jennings Bryan.
E664.B885 P47 Diplomat of the Americas : a biography of William I. Buchanan (1852-1909) / 1
E664.B97 O6 1917i Burrows of Michigan and the Republican Party a biography and a history / 1
E664.C195 H65 2020 Frank J. Cannon : saint, senator, scoundrel / 2
E664.C22 B6 1973 Tyrant from Illinois : Uncle Joe Cannon's experiment with personal power. 1
E664.C22 B6 1974 Tyrant from Illinois : Uncle Joe Cannon's experiment with personal power. 1
E664.C22 B9 Uncle Joe Cannon : the story of a pioneer American / 1