Call Number (LC) Title Results
E743.5 .U6 Commitment. 2
E743.5 .U651 1986 FBI file on the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) 1
E743.5 .V44 2013 The naked communist : Cold War modernism and the politics of popular culture / 1
E743.5 -- V44 2013eb Naked Communist : Cold War Modernism and the Politics of Popular Culture. 1
E743.5 .V53 2014 Haunted by Hitler : liberals, the left, and the fight against fascism in the United States / 3
E743.5 .W2 The Christian fright peddlers / 1
E743.5 .W25 Chronicle of treason. : Reprint of series of articles appearing in the Philadelphia inquirer, March 3-9, 1958 / 1
E743.5 .W28 Liberals and communism : the "red decade" revisited / 1
E743.5 .W34 2021 Red dynamite : creationism, culture wars, and anticommunism in America / 1
E743.5 .W34 2021eb Red dynamite : creationism, culture wars, and anticommunism in America / 1
E743.5 .W47 2004 Mortal crimes : the greatest theft in history : Soviet penetration of the Manhattan Project / 2
E743.5 .Z44 2015 Red scare racism and Cold War Black radicalism / 2
E744 Sound the trumpet : the United States and human rights promotion /
Deadly Contradictions.
A world of enemies : America's wars at home and abroad from Kennedy to Biden /
Paving the way for Reagan : the influence of conservative media on US foreign policy /
Thinking about the future /
Against immediate evil : American internationalists and the four freedoms on the eve of World War II /
A world of men : the private sources of American foreign policy /
American foreign policy : Studies in intellectual history /
Tomorrow, the World /
US Hegemony and the Americas Power and Economic Statecraft in International Relations.
The African American voice in U.S. foreign policy since World War II /
Race and U.S. foreign policy from 1900 through World War II /
Embargoes and world power : lessons from American foreign policy /
America's mission : the United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy in the twentieth century /
ABANDONMENT OF THE WEST : the history of an idea in American foreign policy.
The Imperial Republic : the United States and the World 1945-1973.
US presidents and Cold War nuclear diplomacy /
Covert regime change : America's secret Cold War /
American isolationism between the World Wars : the search for a nation's identity /
American grand strategy and corporate elite networks : the open door since the end of the cold war /
Globalization of American fear culture : the empire in the twenty-first century /
The United States and military coups in Turkey and Pakistan : between conspiracy and reality /
American foreign policy
An American in Europe at War and Peace : Hugh S. Gibson's Chronicles, 1918-1919 /
America's mission the United States and the worldwide struggle for democracy in the twentieth century /
The Ghost at the Feast America and the Collapse of World Order, 1900-1941.
Cult of the irrelevant : the waning influence of social science on national security /
E744 .A19 1996 American think-tanks and their role in US foreign policy / 1
E744 .A214 2006 A capitol idea : think tanks and US foreign policy / 1
E744 .A214 2006eb A capitol idea : think tanks and US foreign policy / 1
E744 .A217 The pattern of responsibility / 1
E744 .A2174 Present at the creation; my years in the State Department
Present at the creation : my years in the State Department /
E744 .A2174 1987  
E744 .A219 Suppl Strengthening the forces of freedom : selected speeches and statements of secretary of State Acheson. Supplement, May-June 1950. 1