Call Number (LC) Title Results
E744.5 .S6 The word war : the story of American propaganda / 1
E744.5 .S69 1995 Warriors of disinformation : American propaganda, Soviet lies, and the winning of the Cold War, an insider's account / 1
E744.5 .T5 1963 Cultural relations and U.S. foreign policy / 1
E744.5 .T66 2016 Murrow's Cold War : public diplomacy for the Kennedy administration / 1
E744.5 .T66 2016eb Murrow's Cold War : public diplomacy for the Kennedy administration / 1
E744.5 .U5176 1959 Freedom Commission and Freedom Academy. Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session, on S. 1689, to create the Freedom Commission for the development of the science of counteraction to the world communist conspiracy. June 17, 18, 19, 1959. 1
E744.5 .U522 The international cultural relations of the United States: policies and programs, 1955-1958. 1
E744.5 .U55 no. 14 Telling America's story abroad : the State Department's information and educational exchange program. 1
E744.5 .U568 1974  
E744.5 .U577 The U.S. ideological effort: Government agencies and programs / 1
E744.5.U6 E4 The information machine : the United States Information Agency and American foreign policy / 1
E744.5 .W5 Propaganda and the cold war : a Princeton University Symposium. 1
E744.5 .W85 2015 U.S. international exhibitions during the Cold War : winning hearts and minds through cultural diplomacy / 1
E745 Stand in the fire : three American soldiers and their wars, 1900-1950 /
Patton's War An American General's Combat Leadership, Volume I: November 1942-July 1944.
E745.A37 S67 1992 Thunderbolt : General Creighton Abrams and the army of his times / 1
E745.A44 A78 2003  
E745.A53 A88 2003 Terrible Terry Allen : combat general of World War II : the life of an American soldier / 1
E745 .A54 2006 A century of media, a century of war / 1
E745.B33 A3 2012 Reminiscences of Conrad S. Babcock : the old U.S. Army and the new, 1898-1918 / 3
E745 .B35 2014 Success and failure in limited war : information and strategy in the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars / 2