Call Number (LC) Title Results
E748.K375 B8 John Kennedy: a political profile. 1
E748.K376 A4 2001 Hostage to fortune : the letters of Joseph P. Kennedy / 2
E748.K376 D42 1985 Ambassador Joseph Kennedy 1938-1940 : an anatomy of appeasement / 1
E748.K376 K47 1996 The sins of the father : Joseph P. Kennedy and the dynasty he founded / 1
E748.K376 K67 Joseph P. Kennedy: a life and times
Joseph P. Kennedy: a life and times /
E748.K376 L43 2001 The Kennedy men : 1901-1963 : the laws of the father / 1
E748.K376 N37 2012 The patriarch : the remarkable life and turbulent times of Joseph P. Kennedy / 1
E748.K376 S39 2003 Joseph P. Kennedy : the mogul, the mob, the statesman, and the making of an American myth / 1
E748.K376 S84 2008 The Kennedys amidst the gathering storm : a thousand days in London, 1938-1940 / 1
E748.K377 T5 1962 Robert F. Kennedy: the brother within / 1
E748.K378 A37 Times to remember.
Times to remember /
E748.K378 C3 Rose; a biography of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. 1
E748.K378 G52 1995 Rose Kennedy and her family : the best and worst of their lives and times / 1
E748.K378 G53 1986 Life with Rose Kennedy / 1
E748.K378 H54 1995 Rose : the life and times of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy / 2
E748.K378 P47 2013 Rose Kennedy : the life and times of a political matriarch / 1
E748.K384 K4 William Kent, independent : a biography. 1
E748.K42 M67 Robert S. Kerr : the Senate years / 1
E748.K42 U5 Memorial services held in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, together with remarks presented in eulogy of Robert Samuel Kerr, late a Senator from Oklahoma. 1
E748.K51 U55 1936i Memorial services held in the House of Representatives of the United States, together with remarks presented in eulogy of Henry Mahlon Kimball, late a representative from Michigan 1