Call Number (LC) Title Results
E78.A3 U554 2012i Regional Alaska Native corporations status 40 years after establishment, and future considerations : report to congressional requesters. 1
E78.A3 U554i 2005 Alaska native villages recent federal assistance exceeded $3 billion, with most provided to regional nonprofits : report to congressional addressees and the Alaska Federation of Natives. 1
E78.A3 U65 1968i Alaska natives & the land 1
E78.A3 V374 1990 The Etholén collection : the ethnographic Alaskan collection of Adolf Etholén and his contemporaries in the National Museum of Finland / 1
E78.A3 W44 1995 When our words return : writing, hearing, and remembering oral traditions of Alaska and the Yukon / 1
E78.A3 W44 1995eb When our words return writing, hearing, and remembering oral traditions of Alaska and the Yukon / 3
E78.A3 Z45 2008 Breaking the ice : from land claims to tribal sovereignty in the Arctic / 1
E78 .A34 1991 Points in time : structure and event in a late northern plains hunting society / 1
E78.A34 B75 2008eb Imagining Head-Smashed-In : Aboriginal buffalo hunting on the northern Plains / 1
E78.A34 B786 1988 Medicine wheels on the Northern Plains : a summary and appraisal / 1
E78.A34 D65 1982 The Boss Hill Site (FdPe 4) locality 2 : pre-archaic manifestations in the parkland of central Alberta, Canada / 1
E78.A34 D75 1985 We are Metis : the ethnography of a halfbreed community in northern Alberta / 2
E78.A34 F6 A review of Alberta archaeology to 1964 / 1
E78.A34 G67 2007 Behind the man : John Laurie, Ruth Gorman, and the Indian vote in Canada / 1
E78.A34 H34 2015 From treaties to reserves : the federal government and Native peoples in territorial Alberta, 1870-1905 / 2
E78.A34 M43 2002 The Indian Association of Alberta : a history of political action / 1
E78.A34 M43 2002eb The Indian Association of Alberta : a history of political action / 1
E78.A34 P43 2010 Light from ancient campfires : archaeological evidence for Native lifeways on the northern plains / 1
E78.A34 R9 Wall of words : the betrayal of the urban Indian / 1
E78.A34 T87 2020 "I saw more than I can tell" / 1