Call Number (LC) Title Results
E78.C15 P445 2004 Bringing them under subjection : California's Tejón Indian Reservation and beyond, 1852-1864 /
Bringing them under subjection : California's Tejon Indian Reservation and beyond, 1852-1864 /
E78.C15 P45 Chiefs and challengers : Indian resistance and cooperation in Southern California / 1
E78C15 P45 Chiefs and challengers : Indian resistance and cooperation in Southern California / 1
E78.C15 P45 1997 Indians and Indian agents : the origins of the reservation system in California, 1849-1852 / 1
E78.C15 P45 2014 Chiefs and challengers : Indian resistance and cooperation in southern California, 1769-1906 / 1
E78.C15 P46 1990 The enduring struggle : Indians in California history / 1
E78.C15 P46 1997 Indians and Indian agents : the origins of the reservation system in California, 1849-1852 / 1
E78.C15 P47 1993 Indians and intruders in central California, 1769-1849 / 3
E78.C15 P48 1997 Indians and Indian agents : the origins of the reservation system in California, 1849-1852 / 1
E78.C15 P48 2010 Vineyards & vaqueros : Indian labor and the economic expansion of Southern California, 1771-1877 / 1
E78.C15 P53 1979 Pleistocene man at Calico : a report on the Calico Mountains excavations, San Bernardino County, California / 1
E78.C15 P68 1976b Tribes of California / 1
E78.C15 P688 1981 Prehistoric Indian rock art : issues & concerns : report of the 1980 conference proceedings, Institute of Archaeology, the Rock Art Archive, University of California, Los Angeles / 1
E78.C15 P689 1981 The Prehistory and management of cultural resources in the Red Mountain area. 1
E78.C15 R334 2007 Native hubs : culture, community, and belonging in Silicon Valley and beyond / 2
E78.C15 R35 1984 Indians of California : the changing image / 2
E78.C15 R47 Reporter 1
E78.C15 R53 2007 The archaeology and historical ecology of Late Holocene San Miguel Island / 1
E78.C15 R63 2012 Rock art at Little Lake : an ancient crossroads in the California desert / 1
E78.C15 R67 2012 Reimagining Indian country : native American migration & identity in twentieth-century Los Angeles / 1