Call Number (LC) Title Results
E815 .M45 Mencken's last campaign : H.L. Mencken on the 1948 election /
Mencken's last campaign : H. L. Mencken on the 1948 election /
E815 .R4 Inside the Democratic Party / 1
E815 .R6 The loneliest campaign : the Truman victory of 1948. 1
E815 .S35 Henry A. Wallace, quixotic crusade 1948. 1
E815 .W34 1976 Henry Wallace, Harry Truman, and the Cold War / 2
E815 .W45 2014eb Whistle stop : how 31,000 miles of train travel, 352 speeches, and a little midwest gumption .. 1
E815 .Y37 Democrats and Progressives; the 1948 presidential election as a test of postwar liberalism.
Democrats and Progressives : the 1948 presidential election as a test of postwar liberalism.
E816 Predicting the winner the untold story of election night 1952 and the dawn of computer forecasting /
When America liked Ike : how moderates won the 1952 presidential election and reshaped American politics /
E816 .B55 One-party press? : Coverage of the 1952 presidential campaign in 35 daily newspapers. 1
E816 .D58 Foreign policy and U.S. presidential elections, 1952-1960,
Foreign policy and U.S. presidential elections, 1952-1960 /
E816 .D66 2017 When America liked Ike : how moderates won the 1952 presidential election and reshaped American politics / 1
E816 .E78 Class and party in the Eisenhower years : class roles and perspectives in the 1952 and 1956 elections. 1
E816 .G74 1985 The crusade : the presidential election of 1952 / 1
E816 .H3 Is there a Republican majority? : Political trends, 1952-1956 / 1
E816 .J6 How we drafted Adlai Stevenson. 1
E816 .M38 2012 Just plain Dick : Richard Nixon's Checkers speech and the "rocking, socking" election of 1952 / 2
E816 .P53 2000 Eisenhower decides to run : presidential politics and Cold War strategy / 1
E816 .S68 Adlai's almanac : the wit and wisdom of Stevenson of Illinois / 1
E816 .S69 Major campaign speeches of Adlai E. Stevenson, 1952 / 1
E816 .S7 Speeches / 1