Call Number (LC) Title Results
E83.876 .R4  
E83.876.R4 C5 1972 The Reno Court of Inquiry : the Chicago times account / 1
E83.876.R43 R46 1997 Reno and Apsaalooka survive Custer / 1
E83.876 .R45 2000 In Custer's shadow : Major Marcus Reno / 2
E83.876 .R63 1995 A good year to die : the story of the great Sioux War / 2
E83.876 .R8 Custer's last, or, The Battle of the Little Big Horn in picturesque perspective, being a pictorial representation of the late and unfortunate incident in Montana as portrayed by Custer's friends and foes, admirers, and iconoclasts of his day and after. 1
E83.876 .S2 The Battle of the Little Bighorn / 1
E83.876 .S2 1966 The Battle of the Little Bighorn / 1
E83.876. S2 1966a The Battle of the Little Bighorn / 1
E83.876 .S2 1966a The Battle of the Little Bighorn / 1
E83.876 .S2 1966b The Battle of the Little Bighorn / 1
E83.876 .S24 1993 The Little Bighorn campaign, March-September 1876 / 2
E83.876 .S26 1987 Archaeological insights into the Custer battle : an assessment of the 1984 field season / 1
E83.876 .S28 1998 They died with Custer : soldiers' bones from the Battle of the Little Bighorn / 2
E83.876 .S288 1997 A good walk around the boundary : archeological inventoru of the Dyck and other properties adjacent to Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument / 1
E83.876 .S29 2013 Uncovering history : archaeological investigations at the Little Bighorn / 1
E83.876 .S54 2000 To hell with honor : Custer and the Little Bighorn / 2
E83.876.S65 S65 1989 Sagebrush soldier : Private William Earl Smith's view of the Sioux War of 1876 / 2
E83.876 .S76 2012 Deliverance from the Little Big Horn : Doctor Henry Porter and Custer's Seventh Cavalry / 1
E83.876 .T39 1996 With Custer on the Little Bighorn : a newly discovered first-person account / 2