Call Number (LC) Title Results
E836 .K55 1995 Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956 / 1
E836 .K555 2002 Eisenhower : soldier-statesman of the American century / 2
E836 .K67 2007 Ike : an American hero / 2
E836 .L3 Eisenhower: the President nobody knew. 1
E836 .L35 1997 Eisenhower's heart attack : how Ike beat heart disease and held on to the presidency / 1
E836 .L4 1991 Dwight D. Eisenhower : a bibliography of his times and presidency / 1
E836 .L42 Dwight D. Eisenhower, soldier and statesman / 2
E836 .L96 Eisenhower: portrait of the hero. 2
E836 .M35 2014 The general and the politician : Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and American politics / 1
E836 .M38 1993 Dwight D. Eisenhower : strategic communicator / 1
E836 .M55 1987 Ike the soldier : as they knew him / 1
E836 .M617 Eisenhower was my boss / 1
E836 .M62 Past forgetting : my love affair with Dwight D. Eisenhower / 1
E836 .M63 Dwight D. Eisenhower; a gauge of greatness. 1
E836 .N3 Eisenhower and the Jews. 1
E836 .N49 2011 Eisenhower : the White House years / 1
E836 .N5 Eulogy, Dwight David Eisenhower / 1
E836 .N529 2011 Eisenhower 1956 : the president's year of crisis : Suez and the brink of war / 1
E836 .N5295 2017 Ike and McCarthy : Dwight Eisenhower's secret campaign against Joseph McCarthy / 1
E836 .N53 2007 A matter of justice : Eisenhower and the beginning of the Civil Rights revolution / 1