Call Number (LC) Title Results
E840.8.V355 A3 2007 Heroes, hacks, and fools : memoirs from the political inside / 1
E840.8.V36 A3 2019 Hope and history : a memoir of tumultuous times / 1
E840.8.V36 A3 2019eb Hope and history : a memoir of tumultuous times / 1
E840.8.V36 A3 2020 Hope and history : a memoir of tumultuous times / 1
E840.8.V364 R54 1984 The orator : Guy Vander Jagt on the hustings / 1
E840.8.V46 M46f 2001 Memorial tributes in honor of Bruce F. Vento late a Representative from Minnesota, One Hundred Sixth Congress, second session 1
E840.8.V66 A3 1989 At Reagan's side /
At Reagans's side /
E840.8.V83 A3 2005 From Nevada to Congress, and back again / 2
E840.8.W34 A6 2023 The insurrectionist : Major General Edwin A. Walker and the birth of the deep state conspiracy / 1
E840.8.W38 A615 1983 100 Watts : the James Watt memorial cartoon collection / 1
E840.8.W43 A3 1995 Maverick : a life in politics / 2
E840.8.W45 E840.8.W457M34 1995 Professor Wellstone Goes to Washington : the Inside Story of a Grassroots U.S. Senate Campaign. 2
E840.8.W45 I5 1995 In tribute to Jamie L. Whitten, United States Representative from Mississippi. 1
E840.8.W457 L64 2005 Paul Wellstone : the life of a passionate progressive / 2
E840.8.W457 M34 1995 Professor Wellstone goes to Washington : the inside story of a grassroots U.S. Senate campaign / 1
E840.8.W457 M34 1995eb  
E840.8.W47 A3 2001 The conscience of a liberal : reclaiming the compassionate agenda / 1
E840.8.W47 G93 2003eb Twelve years and thirteen days : remembering Paul and Sheila Wellstone / 2
E840.8.W47 J33 2004 American assassination : the strange death of Senator Paul Wellstone / 1
E840.8.W475A3 2007 E840.8.W475 Madame Chair : a Political Autobiography of an Unintentional Pioneer. 2