Call Number (LC) Title Results
E876 .B857 1999 Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair : the politics of presidential recovery / 1
E876 .B858 2001 Ronald Reagan and the politics of freedom / 1
E876 .B86 2009 Tear down this myth : how the Reagan legacy has distorted our politics and haunts our future / 1
E876 .B97 2014 Iran-Contra : Reagan's scandal and the unchecked abuse of presidential power / 1
E876 .C377 1988 The Reagan years / 2
E876 .C48 1984 The American retreat : the Reagan foreign and defense policy / 2
E876 .C63 1988 Men of zeal : a candid inside story of the Iran-Contra hearings / 2
E876 .C635 2007 Transforming America : politics and culture in the Reagan years / 1
E876 .C635 2007eb Transforming America : politics and culture in the Reagan years / 1
E876 .C64 1986 The rainbow challenge : the Jackson campaign and the future of U.S. politics / 1
E876 .C665 2007 Historical dictionary of the Reagan-Bush era / 1
E876 .C665 2017 Historical dictionary of the Reagan-Bush era / 1
E876 .C67 1985 Drawn and quartered : the best political cartoons / 1
E876 .C74 1988 Crisis and confrontation : Ronald Reagan's foreign policy / 1
E876 .D36 1996 Who's in control? : polar politics and the sensible center / 2
E876 .D37 1985 Dateline, the world : award-winning journalists size up the news / 1
E876 .D45 1984 Reagan's America / 2
E876 .D46 1987 Democracy, strategy, and Vietnam : implications for American policymaking / 1
E876 .D57 1987 The Dissolving alliance : the United States and the future of Europe / 1
E876 .D67 1986 Los sueƱos nucleares de Reagan / 1