Call Number (LC) Title Results
E907.O227 2011 The Obama Presidency : Change and Continuity. 1
E907 .O227 2011eb The Obama presidency : change and continuity / 1
E907 .O227 2012 The Obama presidency : change and continuity / 1
E907 .O228 2012 The Obama presidency : promise and performance / 1
E907 .O228 2012eb The Obama Presidency : Promise and Performance. 1
E907 .O229 2017 The Obama presidency and the politics of change / 1
E907 .O23 2020 Obama's fractured legacy : the politics and policies of an embattled presidency / 1
E907 .O27 2013 Out of many, one : Obama and the third American political tradition / 1
E907 .O33 2012 Obama's America : change and continuity / 1
E907 .O38 2009i Transparency in the first 100 days a report card / 1
E907 .O74 2010 Pinheads and patriots : where you stand in the age of Obama / 1
E907 .O75 2016 Race, power, and the Obama legacy
Race, power, and the Obama legacy /
E907 .P37 2014 Demonizing a president : the "foreignization" of Barack Obama / 1
E907 .P43 2009eb Obama's America / 2
E907 .P473 2020 Rhetorics of race and religion on the Christian right : Barack Obama and the war on terror /
Rhetorics of race and religion on the Christian Right : Barack Obama and the war on terror /
E907 .P66 2018 Historical dictionary of the Barack Obama administration / 1
E907 .P735 2018 The presidency of Barack Obama : a first historical assessment / 1
E907 .P74 2018eb Presidential leadership and national security : the Obama legacy and Trump trajectory / 1
E907 .R35 2010 The anti-American manifesto / 2
E907 .R37 2010 The anti-American manifesto / 1