Call Number (LC) Title Results
E98.A7 H47 1993 The flag in American Indian art / 1
E98.A7 H718 1980 North American Indian artifacts : a collector's identification and value guide / 1
E98.A7 H7213 Indian skin paintings from the American Southwest : two representations of border conflicts between Mexico and the Missouri in the early eighteenth century / 2
E98.A7 H75 2010 The ten Kate collection 1882-1888 : American Indian material culture / 1
E98.A7 H77 1996 Inventing the Southwest : the Fred Harvey Company and Native American art / 2
E98.A7 H88 2009 The Indian craze : primitivism, modernism, and transculturation in American art, 1890-1915 / 2
E98.A7 I45 1993 In the shadow of the sun : perspectives on contemporary native art / 1
E98.A7 I47 Indianer Nordamerikas / 1
E98.A7 I48 2013 Indigenous bodies : reviewing, relocating, reclaiming /
Indigenous bodies reviewing, relocating, reclaiming /
E98.A7 I49 1982 Text and image in pre-Columbian art : essays on the interrelationship of the verbal and visual arts : proceedings / 1
E98.A7 I5 Art of the Northwest Coast Indians / 1
E98.A7 I777 1998 IroquoisArt : visual expressions of contemporary native American artists / 1
E98.A7 J35 1968 The James T. Bialac collection of Southwest Indian paintings / 1
E98.A7 K56 2011 Kindred spirits : Native American influences on 20th century art / 1
E98.A7 K93 2018 Kwa'nu'te' : Micmac and Maliseet artists / 1
E98.A7 L25 1975 Paintings and sculpture by Dominick LaDucer : [an exhibition June 1 through July 3, 1975] 1
E98.A7 .L25 1999 Jerry Laktonen, masks. 1
E98.A7 L66 1996 Wagons and coaches : Exhibition, March 31-May 15, 1996. 1
E98.A7 L68 1998 Guide to Native American ledger drawings and pictographs in United States museums, libraries, and archives / 1
E98.A7 L69 1988 The North American Indian collection of the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami. 1