Call Number (LC) Title Results
E98.F3 U554 1942i Use of Indian tribal trust funds for services performed on behalf of the Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma 1
E98.F3 U554 1972i Selected contracts, purchase orders, and grants awarded to Indian tribes and organizations during fiscal year 1971 Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior : report to the Senate and House Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs /
Classification of Alaska Native Fund as an Indian tribal trust fund
E98.F3 U554 1973i Selected contracts, purchase orders, and grants awarded to Indian tribes and organizations during fiscal year 1971
Classification of the Alaska Native Fund
E98.F3 U554 1974i Treatment of entitlement funds waived by Indian tribes and Alaskan Native villages 1
E98.F3 U554 1978i Investment of funds appropriated to the Alaska Native Fund 1
E98.F3 U554 1988i Welfare eligibility programs treat Indian tribal trust fund payments inconsistently : report to congressional committees / 1
E98.F3 U554 1992i Welfare to work effectiveness of tribal JOBS programs unknown : briefing report to congressional committees / 1
E98.F3 U554 1998i Indian issues BIA's distribution of tribal priority allocations : testimony before the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies, U.S. Senate / 1
E98.F3 U554 2002i Welfare reform tribal TANF allows flexibility to tailor programs, but conditions on reservations make it difficult to move recipients into jobs / 1
E98.F3 U58 1977 Recommendations for improved food programs on Indian reservations / 1
E98.F38 S74 2002 Forgotten fires : Native Americans and the transient wilderness / 1
E98.F39 A44 2007 American encounters : natives and newcomers from European contact to Indian removal, 1500-1850 / 1
E98.F39 A54 2000 American encounters : natives and newcomers from European contact to Indian removal, 1500-1850 / 1
E98.F39 A54 2007 American encounters : Natives and newcomers from European contact to Indian removal, 1500-1850 / 1
E98.F39 E37 1997 Early Spanish, French, and English encounters with the American Indians / 1
E98.F39 I54 2012 Indians and British outposts in eighteenth-century America / 1
E98.F39 M55 2000 Big Chief Elizabeth : the adventures and fate of the first English colonists in America / 1
E98.F39 M97 2007eb Myth and memory : stories of Indigenous-European contact / 1
E98.F39 N37 2001 Natives and newcomers : the cultural origins of North America / 1
E98.F39 R53 2001 Facing East from Indian country : a Native history of early America / 1