Call Number (LC) Title Results
E98.S6 I53 2009 Indian slavery in colonial America / 2
E98.S6 L38 Indian slavery in colonial times within the present limits of the United States / 1
E98.S6 L38 1913 Indian slavery in colonial times within the present limits of the United States 1
E98.S6 L38 1913i Indian slavery in colonial times within the present limits of the United States 1
E98.S6 N49 2015 Brethren by nature : New England Indians, colonists, and the origins of American slavery / 4
E98.S6 R47 2016 The other slavery : the uncovered story of Indian enslavement in America / 2
E98.S6 S69 2010 Slavery in Indian country : the changing face of captivity in early America / 1
E98 .S655 1996 Like a hurricane : the Indian Movement from Alcatraz to Wounded Knee / 1
E98.S67 Indigenous perspectives of North America : a collection of studies / 1
E98.S67 A26 2010 Across a great divide : continuity and change in native North American societies, 1400-1900 / 1
E98.S67 A26 2010eb Across a great divide : continuity and change in native North American societies, 1400-1900 / 2
E98.S67 A43 2007 American Indian nations : yesterday, today, and tomorrow / 1
E98.S67 A54 1991 American Indians : social justice and public policy / 1
E98.S67 B3 Native Americans today: sociological perspectives,
Native Americans today: sociological perspectives /
E98.S67 B37 2021 Red Scare : the state's indigenous terrorist / 2
E98.S67 B78 2021 Settler memory : the disavowal of indigeneity and the politics of race in the United States / 1
E98.S67 C43 2007 Social change and cultural continuity among Native nations / 1
E98.S67 C58 1996 From a native son : selected essays in indigenism, 1985-1995 / 2
E98.S67 C66 1999 Contemporary Native American cultural issues / 2
E98.S67 D44 1996 Defending mother earth : Native American perspectives on environmental justice / 3