Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.A6 O2755 2009 The blue tattoo : the life of Olive Oatman / 1
E99.A6 O73 An Apache life-way : the economic, social, and religious institutions of the Chiricahua Indians / 1
E99.A6 O77 1994 Myths and tales of the Chiricahua Apache Indians / 1
E99.A6 P35 2013 The Apache peoples : a history of all bands and tribes through the 1800s / 1
E99.A6 P45 1993 Apache reservation : indigenous peoples and the American state /
Apache reservation indigenous peoples and the American state /
E99.A6 P47 1991 Western Apache heritage : people of the mountain corridor / 1
E99.A6 R33 2008 Big Sycamore stands alone : the Western Apaches, Aravaipa, and the struggle for place / 1
E99.A6 R335 2020 Oak Flat : a fight for sacred land in the American West / 1
E99.A6 R36 1990 Apache wars : an illustrated battle history / 2
E99.A6 R44 2020 Oak Flat : fight for sacred land in the American west / 1
E99.A6 R59 2000 Apache voices : their stories of survival as told to Eve Ball / 1
E99.A6 S28 2004 Putting a song on top of it : expression and identity on the San Carlos Apache Reservation / 1
E99.A6 S3 Apache land / 1
E99.A6 S355 2011 The jar of severed hands : Spanish deportation of Apache prisoners of war, 1770-1810 / 1
E99.A6 S36 Vast domain of blood : the story of the Camp Grant massacre. 1
E99.A6 S38 2002 Prayer on top of the earth : the spiritual universe of the Plains Apaches / 1
E99.A6 S38 2002eb Prayer on top of the earth : the spiritual universe of the Plains Apaches / 1
E99.A6 S48 1993 The gift of Changing Woman / 2
E99.A6 S65 1973eb The Mescalero Apaches / 1
E99.A6 S73 1954 The San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation : a resources development study / 1