Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.D1 L33 1994 Dammed Indians : the Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux, 1944-1980 / 1
E99.D1 L33 1994eb Dammed Indians : the Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux, 1944-1980 / 1
E99.D1 L36 1991 The Dakota Sioux in Canada / 1
E99.D1 L37 1991 Black Hills/white justice : the Sioux nation versus the United States : 1775 to the present / 3
E99.D1 L43413 2000 On the trail to Wounded Knee / 1
E99.D1 L58 Live and remember Wo kiksuye / 1
E99.D1 L732 1986 Little Crow, spokesman for the Sioux /
Little Crow : spokesman for the Sioux /
E99.D1 L773 1995 Lost Bird of Wounded Knee : spirit of the Lakota / 2
E99.D1 L773 2000 DVD Lost Bird of Wounded Knee 1
E99.D1 M122 Sitting Bull : the years in Canada /
Sitting Bull; the years in Canada
E99.D1 M124 2015 Prairie man : the struggle between Sitting Bull and Indian Agent James McLaughlin / 1
E99.D1 M134 1998 Sundancing : the great Sioux piercing ritual / 1
E99.D1 M28 1998 Sundancing : the great Sioux piercing ritual / 1
E99.D1 M37 1875i [Statement of Hon. E.P. Smith, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, in reply to Professor Marsh's charges] 1
E99.D1 M37 1985 Paintings by James Marshall : [an exhibition, May 5 to June 7, 1985] 1
E99.D1 M375 2010 To you we shall return : lessons about our planet from the Lakota / 1
E99.D1 M378 1979 Traditional crafts by Lillian Ironbull Martinez : [an exhibition February 18 to March 23, 1979] 1
E99.D1 M425 1990 Lakota woman / 1
E99.D1 M46 2006 Living with strangers : the nineteenth-century Sioux and the Canadian-American borderlands / 1
E99.D1 M476 1989 My friend the Indian / 1