Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.D25 G68 1998 Ways of knowing : experience, knowledge, and power among the Dene Tha / 1
E99.D5 C84 1991 Delphina Cuero : her autobiography : an account of her last years and her ethnobotanic contributions /
Delfina Cuero : her autobiography, an account of her last years, and her ethnobotanic contributions /
E99.D5 H65 2001 Tipai ethnographic notes : a Baja California Indian community at mid-century / 1
E99.DI R8 Sioux buffalo hunters / 1
E99.E7 Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes : Wilhelm Weike's Arctic Journal and Letters (1883-84)
Hunters of the polar north /
Seasonal variations of the Eskimo : a study in social morphology /
Far off Metal River : Inuit lands, settler stories, and the making of the contemporary Arctic /
Baleen basketry of the North Alaskan Eskimo /
Mitos y leyendas Inuit /
The wake of the unseen object /
Alutiiq NA10.
The Eskimos and Aleuts
Eastern Arctic small tool N050.
Copper Inuit ND08.
Inua : spirit world of the Bering Sea Eskimo /
My side of the river : an Alaska Native story /
Inuit women : their powerful spirit in a century of change /
White fox and icy seas in the Western Arctic : the fur trade, transportation, and change in the early twentieth century /
Ellavut, our Yup'ik world & weather continuity and change on the Bering Sea coast /
Ellavut, our Yup'ik world & weather : continuity and change on the Bering Sea coast /
Research with Arctic Inuit communities graduate student experiences, lessons and life learnings /
E99.E7 A336 2018 I am Inuit / 1
E99.E7 A38 1996 Agayuliyararput : kegginaqut, kangiit-llu = Our way of making prayer : masks and the stories they tell / 2
E99.E7 A49 Alliance in Eskimo society / 2
E99.E7 A492 2003 Across time and tundra : the Inuvialuit of the western Arctic / 1
E99.E7 A53 1998 Authentic Alaska : voices of its native writers / 1
E99.E7 A636 2008 Paitarkiutenka = My legacy to you / 1
E99.E7 A675 2016 Anguyiim nalliini = Time of warring : the history of bow-and-arrow warfare in Southwest Alaska / 1
E99.E7 A675 2016eb Anguyiim nalliini = Time of warring : the history of bow-and-arrow warfare in Southwest Alaska / 2
E99.E7 A766 1992 The things that were said of them : shaman stories and oral histories of the TikiÄĦaq people / 1
E99.E7 A77 Arts of the Eskimo : prints / 1
E99.E7 A785 1990 At the caribou crossing place 1
E99.E7 A84 2005 The way of Inuit art : aesthetics and history in and beyond the Arctic / 1
E99.E7 A87 1998 Authentic Alaska : voices of its native writers / 1
E99.E7 B16 The Netsilik Eskimo. 1
E99.E7 B173 Eskimo prehistory / 1