Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.E7 A336 2018 I am Inuit / 1
E99.E7 A38 1996 Agayuliyararput : kegginaqut, kangiit-llu = Our way of making prayer : masks and the stories they tell / 2
E99.E7 A49 Alliance in Eskimo society / 2
E99.E7 A492 2003 Across time and tundra : the Inuvialuit of the western Arctic / 1
E99.E7 A53 1998 Authentic Alaska : voices of its native writers / 1
E99.E7 A636 2008 Paitarkiutenka = My legacy to you / 1
E99.E7 A675 2016 Anguyiim nalliini = Time of warring : the history of bow-and-arrow warfare in Southwest Alaska / 1
E99.E7 A675 2016eb Anguyiim nalliini = Time of warring : the history of bow-and-arrow warfare in Southwest Alaska / 2
E99.E7 A766 1992 The things that were said of them : shaman stories and oral histories of the TikiÄĦaq people / 1
E99.E7 A77 Arts of the Eskimo : prints / 1
E99.E7 A785 1990 At the caribou crossing place 1
E99.E7 A84 2005 The way of Inuit art : aesthetics and history in and beyond the Arctic / 1
E99.E7 A87 1998 Authentic Alaska : voices of its native writers / 1
E99.E7 B16 The Netsilik Eskimo. 1
E99.E7 B173 Eskimo prehistory / 1
E99.E7 B175 1993 Always getting ready : Upterrlainarluta : Yup'ik Eskimo subsistence in southwest Alaska / 1
E99.E7 B176 2010 Yupiit yuraryarait = Yup'ik ways of dancing / 1
E99.E7 B44 1993 How Snowshoe Hare rescued the sun : a tale from the Arctic /
How Snowshoe Hare rescued the sun : a tale from the Arctic /
E99.E7 B474 2004 Uqalurait : an oral history of Nunavut / 1
E99.E7 B474 2004eb Uqalurait : an oral history of Nunavut / 1