Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.E7 D334 2000 Saqqaq : an Inuit hunting community in the modern world / 1
E99.E7 D337 2002 Arctic migrants/Arctic villagers : the transformation of Inuit settlement in the central Arctic / 1
E99.E7 D345 1985 Berry Woman's children / 1
E99.E7 D3453 1990 The boy who found the light : Eskimo folktales / 2
E99.E7 D36 Arctic archaeology : a bibliography and history / 1
E99.E7 D45 2023 Les Inuit connectés : internet et les réseaux sociaux au service des Inuit du Nunavut / 1
E99.E7D58 1997 Quaqtaq : Modernity and Identity in an Inuit Community. 1
E99.E7 .D665 1997 Quaqtaq : modernity and identity in an Inuit community / 1
E99.E7 D68 1959 Alaska missionary, a testimony to God's faithfulness, and to the power of the Gospel. : From the experiences of Ferdinand Drebert, for forty-two years a Moravian missionary to the Eskomos of the Lower Kuskokwim River and the Bering Coast. 1
E99.E7 D847 1988eb The road to Nunavut : the progress of the eastern Arctic Inuit since the Second World War / 1
E99.E7 D85 1977b The Eskimos and Aleuts / 1
E99.E7 D85 1987 The Eskimos and Aleuts / 1
E99.E7 E226 2016 Early Inuit studies : themes and transitions, 1850s-1980s / 1
E99.E7 E23 1989 When the whalers were up North : Inuit memories from the eastern Arctic / 1
E99.E7 E23 1989eb When the whalers were up North : Inuit memories from the Eastern Arctic / 1
E99.E7 E283 1974 Etok : a story of Eskimo power / 2
E99 .E7 E36 The material response of the polar Eskimo to their far Arctic environment / 1
E99.E7 E45 2015 Art of the Arctic : reflections of the unseen / 1
E99.E7 E6858 1984 Cevármiut qanemciit qulirait-llu = Eskimo narratives and tales from Chevak, Alaska / 1
E99.E7 E75 Eskimos of northwestern Alaska : a biological perspective / 2