Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.E7 F466 2007 The way we genuinely live = Yuungnaqpiallerput : masterworks of Yup'ik science and survival / 1
E99.E7 F47 1983 The Nelson Island Eskimo : social structure and ritual distribution / 1
E99.E7 F4725 2020 Nunakun-gguq ciutengqertut : they say they have ears through the ground : essays from Southwest Alaska /
Nunakun-gguq ciutengqertut = They say they have ears through the ground : animal essays from Southwest Alaska /
E99.E7 F4725 2020eb Nunakun-gguq ciutengqertut : they say they have ears through the ground : animal essays from Southwest Alaska / 1
E99.E7 F473 2005 Wise words of the Yup'ik people : we talk to you because we love you / 1
E99.E7 F478 2020 Yungcautnguuq nunam qainga tamarmi = All the land's surface is medicine : edible and medicinal plants of southwest Alaska / 1
E99.E7 F478 2020eb Yungcautnguuq nunam qainga tamarmi = All the land's surface is medicine : edible and medicinal plants of southwest Alaska / 1
E99.E7 F544 2003 The evolution of complex hunter-gatherers : archaeological evidence from the North Pacific / 1
E99.E7 F55 1982 Inua : spirit world of the Bering Sea Eskimo / 2
E99.E7 F565 2019 Wandering spirits : loneliness and longing in Greenland / 2
E99.E7 F57 1995 Songs are thoughts : poems of the Inuit / 2
E99.E7 F58 The first book of Eskimos / 1
E99.E7 F596 2001 In order to live untroubled : Inuit of the central Arctic, 1550-1940 / 1
E99.E7 F61513 2009 Point Hope, Alaska : life on frozen water : photographs 1959-1962 / 1
E99.E7 F6218 2014 The Foragers of Point Hope : the Biology and Archaeology of Humans on the Edge of the Alaskan Arctic. 2
E99.E7 F64 2015eb Life among the Qallunaat / 1
E99.E7 F7 Book of the Eskimos / 1
E99.E7 F7 1961 Book of the Eskimos / 1
E99.E7 F7 1961a Book of the Eskimos / 1
E99.E7 F73 2013 When Worlds Collide : Hunter-Gatherer World-System Change in the Nineteenth-Century Canadian Arctic / 2