Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.E7 M86 1952 People of the deer / 1
E99.E7 M87 2001 Birth & rebirth on an Alaskan island : the life of an Alutiiq healer / 1
E99.E7 M88 2001 Walking on the land / 2
E99.E7 M9 1988 Ethnological results of the Point Barrow Expedition / 2
E99.E7 M9 2018 My village in Nunavik / 1
E99.E7 N173 2005 DVD Nanook revisited 1
E99.E7 N21 1894 Eskimo life / 1
E99.E7 N27 1967 Cape Dorset : a decade of Eskimo prints and recent sculptures / 1
E99.E7 N354 1997 Nanook of the North 1
E99.E7 N363 1989 Sadie Brower Neakok, an Iñupiaq woman / 2
E99.E7 N4 The Eskimo about Bering Strait 1
E99.E7 N4M The rescue of the sun, and other tales from the far north, 1
E99.E7 N43 Hunters of the northern ice / 1
E99.E7 N54 2009 The rediscovered self : indigenous identity and cultural justice / 1
E99.E7 N54 2009eb The rediscovered self : indigenous identity and cultural justice / 1
E99.E7 N63 1997 The girl who dreamed only geese, and other tales of the Far North / 1
E99.E7 N64 1980 Qiñiqtuagaksrat utuqqanaat iñuuniaġninisiqun : the traditional land use inventory for the mid-Beaufort Sea. 1
E99.E7 N67 1990 Northern tales : traditional stories of Eskimo and Indian peoples / 2
E99.E7 N67 2008 Northern tales : traditional stories of Eskimo and Indian peoples / 1
E99.E7 N69 1999 Not just a pretty face : dolls and human figurines in Alaska Native cultures / 1