Call Number (LC) Title Results
E99.H69 G74 1989 The Hopewell site : a contemporary analysis based on the work of Charles C. Willoughby / 1
E99.H69 H674 2010 Hopewell settlement patterns, subsistence, and symbolic landscapes / 1
E99.H69 L96 2015eb Hopewell ceremonial landscapes of Ohio : more than mounds and geometric earthworks / 1
E99.H69 M84 2013 Mound centers and seed security a comparative analysis of botanical assemblages from middle woodland sites in the lower Illinois Valley / 1
E99.H69 N49 2016 The Newark Earthworks : enduring monuments, contested meanings / 1
E99.H69 O55 1997 Ohio Hopewell community organization / 1
E99.H69 R43 2006 Recreating Hopewell / 1
E99.H69 R65 2000 Mysteries of the Hopewell : astronomers, geometers, and magicians of the eastern woodlands / 1
E99.H69 R66 2009 Shamans of the lost world : a cognitive approach to the prehistoric religion of the Ohio Hopewell / 1
E99.H69 S76 2015 Ceramic petrography and Hopewell interaction / 1
E99.H69 S76 2015eb Ceramic petrography and Hopewell interaction / 1
E99. H7 Hopi tales from the book People of the short blue corn / 1
E99.H7 Sun chief : the autobiography of a Hopi Indian /
Hopi, songs of the fourth world
Hopi NT09.
E99.H7 A3 1951 The psychosocial analysis of a Hopi life-history. 1
E99.H7 A33 2002 Homol'ovi : an ancient Hopi settlement cluster / 2
E99.H7 A45 1984 Contemporary Hopi pottery / 1
E99.H7 A7 Hopi report ; Kaibab Paiute report. 1
E99.H7 B3 Tree-ring dates from Arizona J : Hopi mesas area / 1
E99.H7 B43 1995 The bedbugs' night dance and other Hopi sexual tales = Mumuspi'yyungqa tuutuwutsi / 1
E99.H7 B43 2021 Becoming Hopi : a history / 1