Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD 1910 N6.8-120.10 to N6.8-120.12 Sun's declination and equation of time ; table of sunset and sunrise 1
EBD 1910 N6.8-124.2 to N6.8-124.3 Sailing directions for Siberia and Chosen, from Cape Syeverni and Wrangell Island to Oryoku Ko (Yalu River), including Sakhalin Island 1
EBD 1910 N6.11-42 to N6.11-64 Notices to mariners 1
EBD 1910 N6.15-1.28 to N6.15-1.50 Pilot chart of North Atlantic Ocean 1
EBD 1910 N6.16-17 to N6.16-39 Pilot chart of North Pacific Ocean 1
EBD 1910 N6.17-2 to N6.17-24 Pilot chart of Indian Ocean 1
EBD 1910 N6.20-3 to N6.20-25 Pilot chart of South Atlantic Ocean 1
EBD 1910 N6.21-3 to N6.21-25 Pilot chart of South Pacific Ocean 1
EBD 1910 N9.6-2.26 to N9.6-2.75 Special orders of Marine Corps, 2nd series 1
EBD 1910 N9.8-1.5 to N9.8-1.8 Uniform regulations, U.S. Marine Corps 1
EBD 1910 P8.5-18 to P8.5-40 Schedule of steamers appointed to convey U.S. mails to foreign countries during month of 1
EBD 1910 P9.5-23 to P9.5-43 Register of money-order post offices in U.S. including Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Tutuila (Samoa), and U.S. Virgin Islands; also in Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Canal Zone, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Mexico, Montserrat, Nevis, Newfoundland, Philippine Islands, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Trinidad and Tobago 1
EBD 1910 S1.6-37 to S1.6-55 Register of Department of State 1
EBD 1910 S1.7-36.1 to S1.7-58 Foreign Service list 1
EBD 1910 S1.8-17 to S1.8-39 Diplomatic list 1
EBD 1910 T1.11-54 to T1.11-76.2 Treasury decisions under customs, internal revenue, and other laws 1
EBD 1910 T1.12-15 Digest of decisions of Treasury Department and of Board of General Appraisers ... rendered during calendar years ... 1
EBD 1910 T12.3-872 to T12.3-2071 Weekly bulletin of Comptroller of Currency 1
EBD 1910 T12.5-40 to T12.5-61 Abstract of reports of condition of national banks in the United States 1
EBD 1910 T12.6-26 to T12.6-35 National Bank Act as amended with other laws relating to national banks, from Revised Statutes of U.S. 1