Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.2-97 Intermediate credit for farmer; pamphlet containing questions and answers on intermediate credit as provided for in Agricultural Credits Act of 1923, and essential facts showing need for it 1
EBD A1.2-98 Advantages of dairying in the South 1
EBD A1.2-99 Report of Agricultural Commission to Europe Observations. 1
EBD A1.2-100 Prevent grain dust explosions and fires; it is possible, necessary, this circular tells how and why 1
EBD A1.2-101 Just a word about grain dust explosions 1
EBD A1.2-102 Your carelessness may destroy plant you work in, kill your fellow workmen, lose your job; protect your plant, prevent fires, explosions 1
EBD A1.2-103 Statement regarding procedure followed in selection of members for Federal Farm Board 1
EBD A1.2-104 Manual of procedure for guidance of commissioned State officials, collaborating State chemists, and officials of U.S. Department of Agriculture in connection with cooperative work in enforcement of Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906 1
EBD A1.2-105.2 War emergency food survey Detailed survey of retail concerns, New York City. 1
EBD A1.2-106 Food production outlook 1
EBD A1.2-107 War emergency food survey Detailed survey of retail concerns. 1
EBD A1.2-108.2 War emergency food survey Household inventory and consumption record. 1
EBD A1.2-109 Notice regarding foot-and-mouth disease 1
EBD A1.2-110 Proceedings of conference to consider means for combating foot-and-mouth disease; held at Chicago, Ill., Nov. 29 and 30, 1915 1
EBD A1.2-111 Fur resources of U.S.; special report to supplement exhibit of U.S. Government at International Fur-Trade Exposition, Leipzig, Germany, 1930 1
EBD A1.2-112 Hairy vetch for cotton belt 1
EBD A1.2-113 Horse and mule raising in the South 1
EBD A1.2-114 Manual of dangerous insects likely to be introduced in U.S 1
EBD A1.2-115 Preparation of manuscripts for Journal of Agricultural Research 1
EBD A1.2-116 Supplying farm labor need; organization, cooperation, and Government's interest 1