Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.3-1058.D Sterility of oats 1
EBD A1.3-1059.D Research methods in study of forest environment 1
EBD A1.3-1060.D Sitka spruce Its uses, growth, and management. 1
EBD A1.3-1061.D Longleaf pine 1
EBD A1.3-1062.D Relation of character of endosperm to susceptibility of dent corn to root rotting 1
EBD A1.3-1063.D Sweet-potato storage studies 1
EBD A1.3-1064.D Oleoresin production Microscopic study of effects produced on woody tissues of southern pines by different methods of turpentining. 1
EBD A1.3-1065.D Test weight of grain Simple method of determining accuracy of testing apparatus. 1
EBD A1.3-1066.D Curculios that attack young fruits and shoots of walnut and hickory 1
EBD A1.3-1067.D Tests of drainage pumping plants in Southern States 1
EBD A1.3-1068.D Farm ownership and tenancy in black prairie of Texas 1
EBD A1.3-1069.D Relation of production to income from dairy cows 1
EBD A1.3-1070.D Farm management in Catawba County, N.C 1
EBD A1.3-1071.D Influence of season of freshening on production and income from dairy cows 1
EBD A1.3-1072.D Handling, shipping, and cold storage of Bartlett pears in Pacific Coast States 1
EBD A1.3-1073.D Some changes in composition of California avocados during growth 1
EBD A1.3-1074.D Classification of American wheat varieties 1
EBD A1.3-1075.D Whipping quality of cream 1
EBD A1.3-1076.2 Biology of lotus borer (Pyrausta penitalis Grote) 1
EBD A1.3-1077.D Portland cement concrete roads 1