Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.3-1073.D Some changes in composition of California avocados during growth 1
EBD A1.3-1074.D Classification of American wheat varieties 1
EBD A1.3-1075.D Whipping quality of cream 1
EBD A1.3-1076.2 Biology of lotus borer (Pyrausta penitalis Grote) 1
EBD A1.3-1077.D Portland cement concrete roads 1
EBD A1.3-1078.D Beaver habits, beaver control, and possibilities in beaver farming 1
EBD A1.3-1079.D Experiments with spray solutions for preventing insect injury to green logs 1
EBD A1.3-1080.D Effect of low temperature on hatching of gipsy-moth eggs 1
EBD A1.3-1081.D Biology of papaya fruit fly, Toxotrypana curvicauda, in Florida 1
EBD A1.3-1082.D Production of tulip bulbs 1
EBD A1.3-1083.D Farm and terminal market prices Wheat, corn, and oats, crop movement year 1920-21. 1
EBD A1.3-1084.D Inspection of fruit and vegetable canneries 1
EBD A1.3-1085.D Broad-nosed grain weevil 1
EBD A1.3-1086.D Shrinkage of soft pork under commercial conditions 1
EBD A1.3-1087.D Alfalfa root studies 1
EBD A1.3-1088.D Zygobothria nidicola, important parasite of brown-tail moth 1
EBD A1.3-1089.D Reindeer in Alaska 1
EBD A1.3-1091.D Life history of kangaroo rat, Dipodomys spectabilis spectabilis Merriam 1
EBD A1.3-1092.D Pedigreed fiber flax 1
EBD A1.3-1093.D Gipsy moth on cranberry bogs 1