Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.3-1222.D Growth and feeding of honeybee larvae 1
EBD A1.3-1223.D European elm scale in the West 1
EBD A1.3-1224.D Relation of land income to land value 1
EBD A1.3-1225.D Camphor thrips 1
EBD A1.3-1226.2 Recovery of potash as by-product in blast-furnace industry 1
EBD A1.3-1227.D Damage to range grasses by Zuni prairie dog 1
EBD A1.3-1228.D Results of experiments with miscellaneous substances against chicken mite 1
EBD A1.3-1229.D Stem nematode Tylenchus dipsaci on wild hosts in the Northwest 1
EBD A1.3-1230.D Conditions affecting demand for harvest labor in wheat belt 1
EBD A1.3-1231.D Tests of methods of protecting woods against termites or white ants Progress report. 1
EBD A1.3-1232.D Damage by termites in Canal Zone and Panama and how to prevent it 1
EBD A1.3-1233.D Forest types in central Rocky Mountains as affected by climate and soil 1
EBD A1.3-1235.D Life history of codling moth in Yakima Valley of Washington 1
EBD A1.3-1236.D Farming logged-off uplands in western Washington 1
EBD A1.3-1237.D Organization and development of cooperative citrus-fruit marketing agency 1
EBD A1.3-1238.D Cankerworms 1
EBD A1.3-1239.D Studies in physiology and control of bunt, or stinking smut, of wheat 1
EBD A1.3-1240.D Meadow death camas (Zygadenus venenosus) as poisonous plant 1
EBD A1.3-1241.D How U.S. can meet its present and future pulp-wood requirements 1
EBD A1.3-1242.D Marketing cabbage 1