Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.3-1243.D Studies of Mexican bean beetle in the Southeast 1
EBD A1.3-1244.D Forage crops in relation to agriculture of semi-arid portion of northern Great Plains 1
EBD A1.3-1245.D Stock-poisoning plants of the range 1
EBD A1.3-1246.D Market classes and grades of dressed beef 1
EBD A1.3-1247.D Taros and yautias; promising new food plants for the South 1
EBD A1.3-1248.D Size of potato sets Comparisons of whole and cut seed. 1
EBD A1.3-1249.D Food habits of some winter bird visitants 1
EBD A1.3-1250.D Relation between composition of California cantaloupes and their commercial maturity 1
EBD A1.3-1251.2 Effect of winter rations on pasture gains of 2-year-old steers 1
EBD A1.3-1252.D Prune and cherry brown-rot investigations in Pacific Northwest 1
EBD A1.3-1253.D Diseases of apples on market Statistical study based on certificates issued by Food Products Inspection Service of Bureau of Agricultural Economics during period from Nov. 1, 1917, to July 1, 1921. 1
EBD A1.3-1254.D Farm motor truck operation in New England and Central Atlantic States 1
EBD A1.3-1255.D Inheritance of composition in fruit through vegetative propagation; bud variants of Eureka and Lisbon lemons 1
EBD A1.3-1256.D Tobacco diseases and their control 1
EBD A1.3-1257.D Land reclamation policies in U.S 1
EBD A1.3-1258.D Farm organization and management in Clinton County, Ind Business analysis of 100 farms, in Forest and Johnson townships, for 8 years, 1910, and 1913 to 1919, inclusive. 1
EBD A1.3-1259.D Standard specifications for steel highway bridges adopted by American Association of State Highway Officials and approved by Secretary of Agriculture for use in Federal-aid road work 1
EBD A1.3-1260.D Sorghum experiments on Great Plains 1
EBD A1.3-1261.D Operating methods and expense of cooperative citrus-fruit marketing agencies 1
EBD A1.3-1262.D Effect of kiln drying, steaming, and air seasoning on certain fungi in wood 1