Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.3-450.D Improvement of Ghirka spring wheat in yield and quality 1
EBD A1.3-451.2 Chemical composition of lime-sulphur animal dips 1
EBD A1.3-452.D Chemical composition of American grapes grown in Central and Eastern States 1
EBD A1.3-453.D Control of damping-off of coniferous seedlings 1
EBD A1.3-454.D Effect of cultural and climatic conditions on yield and quality of peppermint oil 1
EBD A1.3-455.D Drying for milling purposes of damp and garlicky wheat 1
EBD A1.3-456.D Marketing creamery butter 1
EBD A1.3-457.D Relation between primary market prices and qualities of cotton 1
EBD A1.3-458.D Handling and marketing Durango cotton in Imperial Valley 1
EBD A1.3-459.D Use of energy values in computation of rations for farm animals 1
EBD A1.3-460.D Pine trees of Rocky Mountain region 1
EBD A1.3-461.D Identification of grasses by their vegetative characters 1
EBD A1.3-462.D Irrigation in Florida 1
EBD A1.3-463.D Earth, sand-clay, and gravel roads 1
EBD A1.3-464.D Lessons on poultry for rural schools 1
EBD A1.3-465.D Propagation of wild-duck foods 1
EBD A1.3-466.D Maple sugar Composition, methods of analysis, effect of environment. 1
EBD A1.3-467.D Food value and uses of poultry 1
EBD A1.3-468.D Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and other starchy roots as food 1
EBD A1.3-469.D Fats and their economical use in home 1