EBD A1.3-486.D
Sugar-cane culture for sirup production in U.S |
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EBD A1.3-487.D
Judging horses as subject of instruction in secondary schools |
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EBD A1.3-488.D
Experiments in disposal of irrigated crops through use of hogs |
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EBD A1.3-489.D
Survey of beekeeping in North Carolina |
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EBD A1.3-490.D
Preliminary report on occurrence of western red-rot in Pinus ponderosa |
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EBD A1.3-491.D
Melon fly in Hawaii |
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EBD A1.3-492.D
Economic study of farming in Sumter County, Ga |
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EBD A1.3-493.D
Study of American beers and ales |
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EBD A1.3-494.D
Humidifier for lemon curing rooms |
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EBD A1.3-495.D
Spray irrigation |
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EBD A1.3-496.D
Investigations of rotting of slash in Arkansas |
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EBD A1.3-497.D
Tests of western yellow pine car sills, joists, and small clear pieces |
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EBD A1.3-498.D
Experiments with spring cereals at Eastern Oregon Dry-Farming Substation, Moro, Oreg |
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EBD A1.3-499.D
Mulched-basin system of irrigated citrus culture and its bearing on control of mottle-leaf |
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EBD A1.3-500.D
Cost of producing apples in western Colorado Detailed study, made in 1914-15, of current cost factors involved in maintenance of orchards and handling of crop on 125 farms in fruit region of Mesa, Delta, and Montrose Counties. |
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EBD A1.3-501.2
Study in cost of producing milk on 4 dairy farms, located in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina |
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EBD A1.3-502.D
Drainage of irrigated shale land |
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EBD A1.3-503.D
Turnips, beets, and other succulent roots, and their use as food |
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EBD A1.3-504.D
Theory of correlation as applied to farm-survey data on fattening baby beef |
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EBD A1.3-505.D
Digestibility of some vegetable fats |
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