EBD A1.4-184.161
Bulk and sack handling of grain in Pacific Coast States |
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EBD A1.4-184.163
Manufacture of dimension stock from northern hardwoods |
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EBD A1.4-184.164
Apparatus for determining tenderness of certain canned fruits and vegetables |
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EBD A1.4-184.165
Plowing as control measure for European corn borer in western New York |
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EBD A1.4-184.166
Suggestions for improvement of old bank dairy barns |
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EBD A1.4-184.167
Moss peat, its uses and distribution in U.S |
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EBD A1.4-184.168
Insects injurious to agriculture in Japan |
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EBD A1.4-184.169
Tomato late-blight rot, serious transit and market disease |
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EBD A1.4-184.17
Ten-year review of home-management extension, 1914-1924 |
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EBD A1.4-184.170
Dutch elm disease |
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EBD A1.4-184.171
Bellmar, Southland, and Redheart strawberries |
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EBD A1.4-184.172
Control of lesser peach borer with paradichlorobenzene solutions |
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EBD A1.4-184.173
Cycles of growth in cotton root rot at Greenville, Tex |
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EBD A1.4-184.174
Field observations on strawberry dwarf |
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EBD A1.4-184.175
Experiments for control of San Jose scale with lubricating-oil emulsions in Pacific Northwest |
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EBD A1.4-184.176
Observations on satin moth and its natural enemies in central Europe |
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EBD A1.4-184.177
Control of Botrytis rot of pears with chemically treated wrappers |
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EBD A1.4-184.178
Artificial reseeding on western mountain range lands |
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EBD A1.4-184.179
Effect of heat treatment upon quality of dry skim milk and condensed skim milk for ice cream |
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EBD A1.4-184.18
Experimental dissemination of tabanid egg parasite Phanurus emersoni Girault and biological notes on species |
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