EBD A1.4-184.180
Production of dairy cows as affected by frequency and regularity of milking and feeding |
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EBD A1.4-184.181
New citrus hybrids |
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EBD A1.4-184.182
Stinking smut (bunt) in wheat and how to prevent it |
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EBD A1.4-184.183
Factors for converting percentages of nitrogen in foods and feeds into percentages of proteins |
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EBD A1.4-184.184
Methods of crop production at Colby (Kans.) Branch Experiment Station, 1915 to 1929 |
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EBD A1.4-184.185
New fertilizer materials |
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EBD A1.4-184.186
Sisal and henequen, plants yielding fiber for binder twine |
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EBD A1.4-184.188
Irrigated crop rotations in western South Dakota |
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EBD A1.4-184.189
Control of satin moth by spraying in alternate years |
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EBD A1.4-184.19
Forests and floods |
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EBD A1.4-184.190
Buckwheat milling and its by-products |
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EBD A1.4-184.191
Time of planting as affecting yields of Rural New Yorker and Triumph potatoes in Greeley, Colo. district |
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EBD A1.4-184.192
Progress report on mechanical application of fertilizers to cotton in South Carolina, 1930 |
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EBD A1.4-184.193
Crop rotation and tillage experiments at San Antonio (Tex.) Field Station |
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EBD A1.4-184.194
Manure piles and feed lots as sources of European corn borer reinfestation |
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EBD A1.4-184.195
Tests of spray irrigation equipment |
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EBD A1.4-184.196
Blueberry maggot and its control in eastern Maine |
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EBD A1.4-184.197
Preliminary report upon infestation and general status of European corn borer in western New York |
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EBD A1.4-184.198
U.S. Food and Drug Administration methods of testing antiseptics and disinfectants |
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EBD A1.4-184.199
Cream-standardization tables |
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