Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.9-1152.D Sugar-beet seed growing in Rocky Mountain States 1
EBD A1.9-1153.D Cowpeas Utilization. 1
EBD A1.9-1154.D Aspen borer and how to control it 1
EBD A1.9-1155.D Diseases of sheep 1
EBD A1.9-1156.D Angoumois grain moth 1
EBD A1.9-1157.D Waterproofing and mildewproofing of cotton duck 1
EBD A1.9-1158.D Growing and utilizing sorghums for forage 1
EBD A1.9-1159.D Fermented pickles 1
EBD A1.9-1160.D Diseases of apples in storage 1
EBD A1.9-1161.D Dodder 1
EBD A1.9-1162.D Proso, or hog millet 1
EBD A1.9-1163.D Dry farming in western South Dakota 1
EBD A1.9-1164.D Farm lease contract 1
EBD A1.9-1166.D Poison ivy and poison sumac and their eradication 1
EBD A1.9-1167.D Essentials of animal breeding 1
EBD A1.9-1168.D Varieties of winter wheat adapted to eastern U.S 1
EBD A1.9-1169.D Insects injurious to deciduous shade trees and their control 1
EBD A1.9-1170.D Meadows for Northern States 1
EBD A1.9-1171.D Growing annual flowering plants 1
EBD A1.9-1172.D Farm slaughtering and use of lamb and mutton 1