Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1.9-1617.D Soybean utilization 1
EBD A1.9-1619.D Sorgo for sirup production Culture, harvesting, and handling. 1
EBD A1.9-1620.D Growing cucumbers for pickling 1
EBD A1.9-1621.D Varieties of hard red spring wheat 1
EBD A1.9-1622.D Rural buildings for business and social uses 1
EBD A1.9-1623.D Gipsy moth and brown-tail moth 1
EBD A1.9-1624.D Mexican bean beetle in the East and its control 1
EBD A1.9-1625.D Tick fever 1
EBD A1.9-1626.1 Farmers' Bulletins Nos. 1626-1650, with contents 1
EBD A1.9-1626.2 Feeding dairy cows 1
EBD A1.9-1627.D Hessian fly and how losses from it can be avoided 1
EBD A1.9-1628.D Growing black locust trees 1
EBD A1.9-1629.D Steam sterilization of soil for tobacco and other crops 1
EBD A1.9-1630.D Irrigation practices in growing alfalfa 1
EBD A1.9-1631.D Broomcorn growing and handling 1
EBD A1.9-1632.D Karakul sheep 1
EBD A1.9-1633.D Window curtaining 1
EBD A1.9-1634.D Growing sweet corn for cannery 1
EBD A1.9-1635.D Surface irrigation in Eastern States 1
EBD A1.9-1636.D Farm bulk storage for small grains 1