Call Number (LC) Title Results
EBD A1003-217 Drainage of irrigated lands in San Joaquin Valley, California 1
EBD A1003-219 Irrigation in North Dakota 1
EBD A1003-220 Secondary agricultural education in Alabama 1
EBD A1003-221 Dietary studies in rural regions in Vermont, Tennessee, and Georgia 1
EBD A1003-225 Proceedings of annual meeting of American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers 1
EBD A1004-1 List of agricultural experiment stations in U.S., with addresses 1
EBD A1004-1 to A1004-93 Circulars of Office of Experiment Stations 1
EBD A1004-2 [Form letter to experiment stations on organization of conference on plant nutrition and fertilizers] 1
EBD A1004-3 Extract from proceedings of Knoxville Convention of Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations 1
EBD A1004-4 Memorandum for station reports 1
EBD A1004-5 [Announcement of meeting of experiment stations to discuss cooperative experiments] 1
EBD A1004-6 List of originators of fruits, vegetables, etc. in U.S., with addresses and names of specialties 1
EBD A1004-7 Co-operative field experiments with fertilizers 1
EBD A1004-8 Explanations and directions for soil tests with fertilizers 1
EBD A1004-9 Memorandum of information for report on Farmers' Institutes in U.S 1
EBD A1004-12 Regarding library and publications of Office of Experiment Stations 1
EBD A1004-13 [Form letter announcing meeting of Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations] 1
EBD A1004-14 [Form letter announcing 1st annual meeting of Association of Official Economic Entomologists] 1
EBD A1004-15 Inquiries regarding investigations on botany at agricultural colleges and experiment stations 1
EBD A1004-16 Application for technical publications of Office of Experiment Stations 1